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Recruiting: Agency Manager Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Troubleshooting

FAQs about Agency Manager and troubleshooting issues.

Question Answer
How do I re-invite an agency? If an agency needs another invitation email, Recruiting: Agency Manager User Guide again.
What can agents do in Recruiting?

As a general rule, Agencies are allowed to:

  • View their own home dashboard
  • View job descriptions of jobs you assign them to
  • Submit candidates to jobs you assign them to
  • View the status of candidates they have submitted
  • Update and edit their Agency contact information/profile

Agencies are not allowed to:

  • View jobs that they are not assigned to
  • View candidates that they did not submit
  • Edit candidates after they have been submitted
  • View candidate pages (including comments, history, documents, etc.)
  • Agents can choose to be notified of any changes to candidates they submit.
  • If so, Recruiting sends email alerts if there is a decision on representation or if there is a status change.

What do agents see while using Recruiting?

  • Upon creating their account and logging in, agents will see the jobs they are approved for. They can add candidates by clicking Submit Candidate.
  • Recruiting prompt users for all required information as specified in Agency Manager setup.
  • Agents can click into a job, but they can only view candidates they submitted themselves.
What kind of help do agents receive?
  • Agents have a special help area when logged into Recruiting that explains a limited set of actions they can take and it answers a few general questions about Recruiting.
  • If agents want access to more jobs or if they have a question about a representation decision, we ask them to reach out to your organization directly.
Is there a PDF guide I can send agencies to help explain this? Yes: Send the Recruiting Agency Guide to agencies for general information about the Agency Manager.
How do I get an application from an agency candidate?

Use Recruiting: Information Requests - Usage Guide:

  • This feature allows collection of additional info from candidates already in the system.
  • Click a button, choose a request, and send an easy email.

How do I remove an agent or job from Agency Manager?

  • If you remove an agency from a job, all information pertaining to that job (including the candidates that agency has submitted) is immediately hidden from that agency.
  • To revoke all agencies' access to a job, go to Admin > Agencies > Agency Jobs. Select the desired job(s) and click Revoke Agency Approval.
  • To revoke one agent's access to a job:
    • Go to Admin > Agencies > Approved Agencies.
    • Click the agent's name to access the Edit Agent interface.
  •  At the bottom-right, click Add/Remove jobs.
  •  Select or de-select the right jobs and then save your changes. 
  • If the agent must be deleted from Recruiting entirely, click Delete Agent from Approved Agencies List.

05/10/24 865 views

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