This article is for administrators.
- Use Recruiting to direct job applicants to your careers page from any job advertising site.
- When it comes to posting jobs, we realize you want to post jobs to sites outside of our integrated partners, Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor.
- For this reason, we enabled the use of Tracking Links, unique links that drive candidate traffic directly to your website from anywhere you decide to advertise, such as Craigslist, ZipRecruiter, Job Fairs, Paid LinkedIn, Job Slots, etc.
Benefits of having applicants directed to your site are:
- You can ask Minimum Qualification questions during the application process.
- You can give each applicant a voluntary EEO/ OFCCP survey.
- You can track applicant source data to determine your best sources of applicants.
- You do not get emailed resumes or spam because all applicants are auto-parsed into Recruiting.
Steps to Advertise on an Job Board with Tracking Links
- Add a new candidate source.
- Create a job in Recruiting.
- Activate the job.
- Open the Job Info window or go to the job and select the Info button.
- Under the Job Promotion menu, create a unique URL for any job board by selecting a Source, and then clicking the Create a Tracking link.
- Click Copy Link and go to the job board to post that job:
- When you're asked how you want to receive applicants (usually by email or your website), indicate you want applicants to apply to your website.
- Paste your Tracking Link URL into the field.
When applicants click the link, they are sent directly to the job and Recruiting tracks where they came from.
Tracking Links Information
- Some sites, like and LinkedIn, make using your URL’s even easier.
- and LinkedIn have an Apply to URL field in their job description creator.
- Your Recruiting Tracking Link works perfectly here.

Emails from Some Job Sites
- You might still get a few resumes via email from some jobs sites.
- This occurs because people are not reading your job description and won’t see the Apply Here link.
- You can prevent this by turning off the Apply by Email settings on most job boards. In, you click Offline Contact.
- For sites that have an Apply to URL link, like, this is not an issue.
If you remove a job from your website, candidates are directed to your main careers page. For example, after you fill a job, Recruiting removes the job from your website. If a candidate uses one of the Tracking Links still appearing on a job board, they are told the job has been filled and get redirected to your main careers page.
Some sites might not let you use a Tracking Link or a Shortened Tracking Links.
Note: We are sure there still exist some troglodytes out there. If you find one, let us know so we can get them to change their antiquated ways.
Updated: February 25th, 2025 3759 views 0 likes