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How Do Administrators Resolve Candidate Difficulties Submitting an Application in Recruiting?

This article helps administrators resolve issues candidates encounter when applying for jobs in Recruiting.

This article is for administrators.


Always Submit a Request to Recruiting Support

Sometimes an applicant might reach out to you because they are having difficulty applying for jobs in Recruiting.

In these cases, always contact Recruiting Support so we can look into your Application and Careers page.

Required Information to Include in Your Support Request

To help us identify potential issues, include as much of this information as you can when submitting a support ticket:

  • Do you have the browser/system information from any of the candidates that had issues applying?
  • What job did they apply for?
  • Do you know how they found the job? For example, did they find it organically on your website, or were they linked from a third party site like LinkedIn or Indeed?
  • Screenshots demonstrating what the error or problem is.


Variables on the Applicant's Side: 

  • Application issues can be difficult to troubleshoot due to many variables, such as:
    • The applicant is behind a corporate firewall that inhibits certain site functions.
    • An applicant's company-installed browser plug-ins interfere with the Recruiting's functionality. 

Our initial testing usually indicates whether or not the issue is on applicant's side:

  • Try refreshing the existing browser the applicant is using.
  • Also consider closing the browser and opening a new one. 

If those fail, it's critical you provide as much detail as possible about the candidate's difficulties.  


Updated: March 14th, 2025 2208 views

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