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Recruiting: Save an Email as a Personal Email Template

Describes how to save an email as a personal email template.

After writing an email, save it in your Personal Email Templates and the email template can be modified for general usage.


  • Consider adding Autofill Tokens for Email Templates for your own future convenience.
  • Include attachments in the email template as needed. 
  • Remove your personal signature because  Recruiting automatically adds it to future emails.

Follow these steps to save an email as a personal email template: 

  1. In Recruiting, when you are sending an email, click the floppy disk icon on the right side.
  2. When the Save Email Template popup window appears, in the Save As: field, enter a name for the template and click Save. 
  3. Next, edit the new email template you just saved.  At the upper-right corner, click the Gears icon, and then click Message Settings
  4. Click the My  Templates tab, select your new email template, and edit as necessary. 
  5. Click Save.


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