This article is for Administrators.
This is Step 1 in the process to setup and use Paycor Smart Sourcing for Recruiting.
- For all steps, see the Paycor Smart Sourcing User Guide
Steps to Set a Default Sourcing Manager in Recruiting
1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
2. At the top click Admin and select Company Settings.
- The Company Settings screen appears.
3. On the left side go to Integrations > Paycor Smart Sourcing.
4. On the Paycor Smart Sourcing screen, click Default Smart Sourcing Manager link and when the popup appears, click the circle next to the name you want, and click Save.
This occurs:
- The Default Smart Sourcing Manager displays the name you selected.

Updated: October 3rd, 2024 3167 views 0 likes