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How Do I Stop Accepting Resumes for an Active Job (Pause a Job) in Recruiting?

Describes how Admins can stop accepting resumes for an Active Job (Pause a Job).

This article is for administrators



  • At times you might have an abundance of candidates for a particular position, and you want to remove the job posting from your website without actually closing the job. 
  • This way the job remains open and active in Recruiting, but it is not visible on your Careers site, and it is not visible to our other integrated job boards such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor.

How Do I Remove a Job Posting While Keeping It Active? 

  1. At the top of the screen next to the job title, click the blue info icon ().
  2. Click the Job Promotions tab.
  3. Hover over the Promote button next to Company Pages section and click the red icon  . The End All Promotions Now? popup window appears.
  4. Click End Promotion. This occurs:
  • Ends the job promotion on your careers screen and Recruiting automatically removes the check boxes for Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor.
  • Job no longer appears on your website and the job remains active for you in Recruiting.

Updated: February 18th, 2025 3084 views

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