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How Do Administrators Create an Internal Hiring App in Recruiting?

Describes internal applications for your internal hirining needs.


This article is for administrators.


In addition to your applications for external candidates, you can also use an Internal Application in Recruiting with its own set of questions for your internal hiring needs.

The internal application usually contains questions that apply only to existing and internal employees in your company. 

Here are some sample internal questions:

  • How long have you been with the company?
  • What positions have you held with in the company?
  • Who is your direct supervisor?
  • Does your supervisor know you are applying to this position?
  • Would you manager recommend you for this position?

How Does It Work?

Because your employees are automatically marked as an Internal Candidate in Recruiting, you do not need to select the Internal Application when posting a job. 

Instead, candidates automatically see the Internal Application when they do either of these: 

Note: Candidates who apply through any other link see the standard job application or, if you have Multiple Recruiting Applications, whichever application is set for that particular job.

Steps to Set Up an Internal Job App in Recruiting 

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