This article is for administrators.
This feature allows external agencies and recruiters to add candidates into Recruiting and keeps your hiring process safe and secure.
How does it help?
- Agent Accounts: Agents can be invited to sign up for a special Recruiting account with limited access. They must be approved to access each job. Otherwise, jobs remain completely hidden.
- Limited Viewing Rights: Candidates are protected from poaching! Agents cannot see other candidates even if they are approved for the job. They can only review status for candidates they submit.
- Representation: Track your organization's decisions on valid candidate submissions by accepting or denying representation directly on the Recruiting candidate record.
Who can use this feature?
- Admins and Staffing Users: Can set up agencies and approve jobs.
- Standard Users: Can be given the right to accept or decline representation.
- All regular Recruiting Users: Those assigned to the job can work with candidates from agencies.
Watch the Agency Manager Expert Session Video On-Demand
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Updated: February 18th, 2025 3170 views 0 likes