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What Does Average Days to Pursue Mean in Recruiting?

This article is for administrators.


Related to the time between stages, the Average Days to Pursue values represent how long a candidate remains in a given stage before moving forward in the candidate process.

Note: Recruiting does not count how long it takes to pass on candidates because passing on a candidate does not speed up the hiring process.

Using the example shown above, on average it takes:  

  • New Candidates: 2.3 days before someone moves a New Candidate forward into any state. In general, anything less than a week is excellent!
  • Review Request Forwarded: .2 days for a hiring manager to say Yes when they are forwarded a Review Request (anywhere less than 2-3 days is considered good).
  • Schedule a Phone Screen: 13.3 days to schedule a candidate for a Phone Screen.
  • Schedule an Interview: 7.2 days to schedule a candidate for an Interview.
  • Average to Hire: 16.9 days for a successful candidate to complete your hiring process. This varies based on the type of job you are hiring for (higher paying and more technical positions might require additional time during the hiring process).


  • The Offers and Average to Hire stages reflect the average number of days from the date the candidate applies to the date they enter the stage. 
  • Click the links in the bar to look for jobs that are in trouble and possibly skewing the number.
  • You can run analytics on a per Department, Location, or User basis (via the "Data Set:" link towards the top). Use this to identify your struggling sections.

Updated: October 29th, 2024 1507 views

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