This article is for administrators.
Administrators can create and modify applications in their companies, allowing them to fully customize the application questions and fields for your organization and give applicants a unique application experience based on any criteria you want to gather.
A company has unlimited custom applications based on their jobs and information requirements.
This is part of the Recruiting Application Builder Guide.
Options for Creating Blocks or Fields for Application Builder
- Paragraph text: Enter text such as disclaimers or instructions.
- Horizontal line: Inserts a line break in the application.
- Horizontal space: Inserts a blank space in the application.
Question Groups
- Acceptance of terms: Where you can add Acknowledgment or Acceptance section.
- Previous address: Candidate's previous address.
- Resume upload: Creates an area for a candidate to add their resume.
- Attachments: Creates an area candidates to add attachments.
- Compensation: Creates an area for current and desired compensation.
- Education history: Creates an area for a candidate to add their education.
- Employment history: Creates an area for a candidate to enter their previous employment details.
Custom Questions
If you don't see the form you are looking for, create your own custom questions in any form you want:
- Date: Fields include an interactive calendar for candidates to select dates.
- Email Address: Field registers as an email in the system.
- Phone number: Field registers as a phone number in the system.
- Text box (single line): Field allows candidates to enter a short text answer.
- Text box (multi line): Field allows candidates to enter a longer text answer.
- Checkboxes (select multiple): Field allows candidates to mark multiple checkboxes.
- DropDown (select one): Field allows the candidate to select a drop-down menu option.
- Radio Buttons (select one): Field allows the candidate to select a specific button.
Note: All of these styles follow the same editing rules as the default blocks (you can edit the blocks or fields by selecting blue buttons a block.
Updated: October 28th, 2024 1689 views 0 likes