This article is for Administrators.
This is Step 5 in the process to setup and use Paycor Smart Sourcing for Recruiting that reviews the process candidates take to express interest (or no interest) in a job.
- For all steps, see the Paycor Smart Sourcing User Guide
Engagement Options
- Paycor Smart Sourcing:
- Creates a candidate target list
- Contacts those candidates
- Invites them to express interest in the job
- This list includes both active candidates looking for a new job and passive candidates who may not be in the market.
- The email campaign reaches out to candidates up to 2 times to inspire interest (will send out second email if first email is opened)
Steps to Candidates Take to Engage with You in Paycor Smart Sourcing
1. It starts with Paycor Smart Sourcing sending an email to the Qualified candidate with the link to the Job Description.
2. The candidate enters their contact details and clicks either one of these:
- I’m interested:
- I am not interested:
- Candidates who are not interested are presented with these reasons to explain why and then click OK:
- Not the right job
- Not the right company
- Not the right timing for me
Updated: February 18th, 2025 2788 views 0 likes