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How Do I Reset a User's Password and Unlock their Account in Recruiting?

Describes how administrators reset a password and how they unlock a locked password in Recruiting.

Steps to Access Recruiting Users

This article is for Administrators.


1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.

2. When the Recruiting screen appears, at the top click Admin, select Users, and the list of employees appears. 

Typical User Reset Scenarios and Solutions

Situation Description / Action
A users doesn't remember their password.

Direct the user to do this: 

  • On the Paycor login page, click Forgot Password? to send an email with a new password to their email address.
  • If that doesn't work for whatever reason, you as the administrator can reset a password for your user account.
    • See the next topic for How to reset user passwords. 
A user is locked out of their account.
  • If a user enters an incorrect password too many times, the will be locked out of their Paycor account. 
  • Per our Terms of Service with your company, and per our Security Policy, Support cannot reset passwords or unlock accounts for standard users:
    • Sometimes Support receives emails from Hiring Managers such as, Help, I forgot my password or  I'm locked out of my account.
    • Support sends these messages to the administrator at the user's company or directs the user to use the Don't know your password? link
  • Users must contact you the administrator to unlock their account.
    • See the next topic for How to reset user passwords.

Steps to Unlock a User's Account

As an Admin you can unlock any user in your company. You can also take the opposite action by locking and inactivating a user.

Follow these steps to unlock accounts:

1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.

2. When the Recruiting screen appears, at the top click Admin, select Users, and the list of employees appears. 

3. Search for the employee who has a User Status of Locked and click their name. 

  • The user's details screen appears.
  • In the User Status and Login section, the Login field is marked Locked and there's a red notification just above that section.   

4. To unlock the account, click the link Send a Password Reset link, and when the popup appears asking if you want to unlock the account, click Yes

5. When the popup disappears, at the top-left click Save

This occurs: 

  • The red notification disappears under the Send a Password Reset link.
  • User Status and Login section:
    • The Login field swtiches to Unlocked.
  • The user gets and email to reset their password. 


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